.. _sell: ########### SELL PIXELS ########### **1. Sell area** Sell pixels to anybody. Just set the price. Buying process for buyers will look exactly the same as if they bought it at the initial sale. You get all the money (no fees). - In :ref:`contract interface ` select **sellArea** function (in some wallets may appear under Write section or similar). - Specify function parameters: *fromX, fromY, toX, toY:* :ref:`coordinates ` you would like to sell. *priceForEachBlockWei:* price for each 10x10 pixel block in wei (`Ether unit converter `_). .. image:: /img/sell_blocks.png - Click **Write** *Amount to Send* 0 (do not send any ether) *Gas Limit* Should be calculated automatically. - Click **Generate transaction**, then **Yes, I am sure! Make transaction** and wait until it is mined. *e.g. If you would like to sell two blocks from [1:1] to [1:2] for 20 ETH total set the Price for each block in wei to 10000000000000000000 (which is 20/2 * 10^18)* .. image:: /img/sell_blocks_confirm.png .. note:: If Gas Limit box remains highlighted in red do not send the transaction. Make sure you're typing in the right coordinates (:ref:`make sure the area belongs to you ` **2. Make sure that the area is now on sale** Do it the same way as when you :ref:`checked price and availability of an area ` in Buy section. - In :ref:`contract interface ` select **areaPrice** function. - Specify the coordinates you would like to check. - Click **Read** (you are not paying any gas here) and check that the total price you see is the one you want. .. note:: Remember that when selling area you specify price for each 10x10 pixels block. Here you get the total price for the whole area. The price is wei (`Ether unit converter `_). .. note:: When a block is on sale you cannot transfer it as an ERC721 token, because it is locked. To unlock token transfer, cancel sale. Now the area is on sale. When somebody buys it you'll get eth. After that you'll need to withdraw it from your balance. Until then you are still able to place ads and rent your area out. **3. Cancel sale** Just set the sell price to zero: - In :ref:`contract interface ` select **sellArea** function (in some wallets may appear under Write section or similar). - Specify function parameters. *fromX, fromY, toX, toY:* coordinates you would like to stop selling. *priceForEachBlockWei:* set price to 0. - Select your wallet and click **Write**. *Amount to Send* 0 (do not send any ether) *Gas Limit* Should be calculated automatically. - Click **Generate transaction**, sign it, send it and wait until it is mined. **Next steps:** - :ref:`Withdraw funds ` - :ref:`Place ads ` - :ref:`Rent out pixels `